Father of modern English poetry
| Jeoffrey Chaucer | |
Modern poet
| T.S. Eliot | Born in U.S.A. The Wasteland (Poem)
First known poet
| Caedman
| Genesis
Poet of Romantic age
| John Keats
| A man of Medicine / Poet of beauty / Poet of Sensuousness Ode to a Nightingale “A thing of beauty is a joy for even” “Beauty is the truth, truth is the beauty”
Father of English prose
| Francis Bacon
| Essayist
| Shakespeare
| Known mostly for his poet Comedy of Errors The Merchant of Vanice (comedy) Hamlet (tragedy) As you like it The taming of shrew |
Greatest Modern English Dramatist
| G.B Show
| “The more things a man is ashamed of the more respectable he is” “God is on the side of big battalions” Caeser and Cleopetra(Play) Playwriter
| S.T. Coleridge
| The rime of the Ancient Mariner “He prayeth best who loveth best’
| O’Henry
| Famous for short story The gift of Magie
| Jonathon Swift
| Gulliver’s Travel Famous satirist in English literature
| Charles Dickens
| A tale of two cities(Nobel) David copper field
| Charles Darwin
| The Origin of Species